Kurobuta Pork

At RockWater Ranch, we raise only the very best pork available. Berkshire heritage pork is the absolute finest quality and known as the "Kobe beef" of the pork world. You can be sure when you have purchased your pork from RockWater Ranch, you have the highest quality, tastiest, healthy and humanely raised meat. RockWater Ranch believes that our fine purebred Berkshires should be allowed to graze and forage on our mountain grasses and other healthy treats, nap in the sunshine, smell the cedar forest breezes and play in creek water. 

We believe we offer some of the finest pork available.  Further, we believe that it is healthier and more sustainably raised than traditional commercial pork.  However, we also believe that this is how all of our food should be raised and that it should be as affordable as possible.  The supply and demand curve would dictate that we should charge considerably more for our pork.  But we believe that healthy and sustainably raised pork should be affordable to as many people as possible.  We realize that our excellent pork is not as cheap as supermarket pork, then again the quality isn't even in the same realm.  That said, with all thing considered we don't believe you will find a better value.  Besides, pork this good is immensely enjoyable to eat!


Eating Quality

Berkshire pork has a naturally smokey sweet flavor and is prized for its evenly distributed, mild flavored fat. One taste will stop you dead in your tracks. Absolute top quality. 
The National Barrow Show® Sire Progeny Tests have been sponsored annually by National Association of Swine Records, Iowa State University and Hormel Foods since 1991.
Meat quality and eating quality trait results confirm the premium position of the 100% Pure Berkshire pork.

Berkshire pork ranks at or near the top for:
• High Ultimate pH Score- relates to low cooking loss, better water-holding capacity, high degree of tenderness
• Loin Firmness / Drip Loss- results in improved processing quality, tenderness
• Meat Color- consumers consistently prefer darker pork
• Cooked Loin Quality- high scores for intramuscular fat percent, tenderness and juiciness all predict better consumer satisfaction

Compare our excellent Berkshire Pork to other pork!
Our Berkshire is well marbled, tender, rich dark red.

RockWater Ranch Berkshire Pork to store bought pork comparison

International Recognition

Japanese consumers have a special name for the Berkshire breed. They call it Kurobuta, or “black pig”. Because pork from the purebred Berkshire is so tender, juicy and flavorful, the Japanese have long recognized the value of Berkshire pork. Much of the American Berkshire Association (ABA) Certified 100% Pure Berkshire Pork produced in the United States is being exported to Japan.


To purchase our excellent heritage Berkshire pork, contact us. Whole pigs of various sizes are available for roasts, barbeques and luaus. Restaurants are welcome to contact us for the finest pork they can serve their discerning customers.


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